Welcome To The Art of Receiving Water




For those who value health, an extraordinary, invitation only, water drinking coaching, is without compromise an absolute service to elite, beauty icons, olympians, actors, and peak performance entrepreneurs, who value having a coach in their every area of life. Our bespoke exclusively water coaching, how to drink the elixir of life, water extends the limits of your health, performance offering you clarity, peace of mind, serenity and simplicity

With your iconic life, freedom is absolute, and our services are the pinnacle of luxury, making in home or on the road drinking water a reality.

Water is the conduit for absolute control over your health, thoughts and body and it commands attention and respect.

70% of your body weight is water and 80% of your brain weight is water

Our Human Inner Technology, is dominated and functions on two main components: Thoughts and Water



A new uncompromising luxurious experience water drinking coaching, sharing value and instructions on the best practices of water, the elixir of life. A seamless experience in your home or virtually, elegance unmatched coaching.

We dare to be different, reject conformity, and live life on our terms. The coaching services are for those who dare to be different, bold in their health, an attitude toward perfect health, in
control of their mind and body

A formidable combination of exclusivity and unmatched coaching, for 63 days accountable partners collaborating in pairing water to your diet, lifestyle and travel schedule, and redefine the values of water over their power of storing past memories and creating future memories of health.

Legends are made through the pursuit of perfect health in mind and body, thoughts and water. Along with your Chef and Butler, we support, elevate your lifestyle, and maintain your new values of water to embrace the power of vitality. With our exclusive services, we redefine the rules of drinking water based on science and your life schedule, all done in an absolute privacy.



A Legend like no other, iconic evolutionist with a presence of excellence in health, redefining the new standards of health, and breaking through the limits water ignorance has produced.

Luminita was inspired by a decade in self development to seek the other side of life. With a laser cut focus she found that the magnificent life within is made of thoughts and water, 70% of
body weight is water and 80% of brain weight is water. A new attitude in the details of water, became evident, beyond comparison , water delicately fits into all fibers of our being, mind and body, making water the Elixir of Life besides our Thoughts. The connection in how we think, vision, speak, feel and take action to realize our desires made way for the #1 Worlds’ Water Coach creating bespoke supreme liberty in health services, to sustain health of mind and body.

The Human Inner Technology H.I.T. breakthrough, accommodates water to flow into our body and mind ecosystem, creating a homeostasis, an absolute confidence in realizing the pinnacle of health and longevity of skin, tissue and organs as well as brain function at it’s peak performance, allowing you to handle the life environment with absolute authority. Dehydration, and the collection of the effects it, makes water the pinnacle of health, when drank according to our diet, work schedule, sleep schedule and lifestyle habits and weight, an uncompromised item, that makes running water the antiaging elixir. As Luminita discovered” Running Water Never Grows Old”

Luminita made health a priority and those who value their health and wealth legacy have already chosen to work in close proximity with Luminita in non-negotiable values, and absolute privacy. A landmark example of monitoring water intake, Luminita is supporting you in bringing your vision and legacy to life one cup of pure water each time your body is designed to receive it.


Luminita is the greatest personal water coach on the planet. As part of our exclusive invitation
only coaching, Luminita offers her wisdom and instructions, and the value of water in mind and body.
Either virtually or in person in your home( preferred) we educate and instruct you on the best practices of drinking water. Simply said, the simplest things in life are the most valuable  and water is the only necessary element in nature that carries everything with it and so it does in our own body. It is the last priority until we recognize that we are not sick, we are only dehydrated. 

It takes 63 days , 3 sets of 21 days to dissolve past memories, and as water stores memories,
new habits take that long to be created, future memories to be installed. After the first virtual
consultation, we will travel to your home, to custom make and design bespoke services, setting
up your home and car and travel lifestyle to accommodate your healthy water drinking habits. During
the 63 days, we remain in close proximity each day throughout the day to sustain the new up
levels in your health. After 63 days, you are guided to maintain the new healthy lifestyle, and we
remain with you for one year with reminders throughout the day. 

 We offer exclusivity and invitation only coaching to our elite members and their

We understand that the information we share , the values we bring and instructions we offer,
are based on science and expect our clients to make decisions clearly, assume commitment to
their health without breaking the agreement made with Water Popular LLC

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